Feb 12- Love, Love, Love…

Meditation: Calm, Love & Relationships: The Missing Piece
Length: 11 minutes
Where: Home Office/Guest Room, Los Angeles
How It Felt: Loving!
Who Joined Me: Steve

I’m deep into a happy Valentine’s Weekend haze, so I chose to stay on theme with a love meditation (which was followed up with a heart shaped pizza for dinner! I told you- we geek out here. It’s totally gross and I LOVE it!)

Steve and I sat facing each other, knees together for this session. We listened as we were told about the Shel Silverstein story “The Missing Piece,” and how the moral is that we should be whole when we come to a relationship, not looking for someone to complete us. Still, love can help us smooth out our rough edges, which is so beautiful.

We were told to simply sit or lie how we felt most comfortable, so we stayed close, always touching, holding hands. At the end I lay my head in his lap. It felt so comforting, so wonderful.

I really believe Steve is my soul mate. Not my “one” person I could ever make it work with, but something different. Something more powerful than that. Something having to do with energy coming together again, or in a certain way. A person that lets me be the most ME, simply by being himself.

And I can say, without a doubt, he didn’t enter my life until I had done a ton of work on myself. I wasn’t ready for a real partner yet, nor was he, until we just were. So I believe in that. I believe if you are looking for a person to fix or complete you or to make you happy, you’ll be disappointed over and over. If you feel whole and make yourself happy, and find someone else who does the same….

Well, as the meditation said, you can light the whole city on fire!

Everyone’s idea of love looks different, and we don’t all need a life partner to be happy. Some of us need more than that, or less than that, or something to the side of it. Sending you lots of love, whatever that means to you, and especially encouraging loving yourself like crazy! This weekend, tomorrow, always.

You can never, ever go wrong loving yourself for who you are. Maybe you’ll find the person who loves you just that way, too, if you want that. At the very least you won’t attract the ones who don’t!


Great relationship quote from the Calm app, post-meditation